Friday, August 20, 2010

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Introduction for intermediate algebra Help:
Intermediate algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations and algebraic structures. Together with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics, and number theory, algebra is one of the main branches of pure mathematics.
The part of algebra called elementary algebra is often part of the curriculum in secondary education and introduces the concept of variables representing numbers.

The Fundamental Operations in Intermediate Algebra

In intermediate algebra and in other branches of mathematics, letters are used to represent numbers with unknown or unassigned values.
A number represented by a letter is called a literal number, and any number expression in which one or more number symbols are letter is called a literal expression.
In any number expression the parts connected by the signs + or - are called terms. An expression by either of the signs + or – consists of one terms, and is called a monomial. An expression consisting of three terms is a trinomial. In general, an expression consisting of two or more terms is called a polynomial in intermediate algebra.

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